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Sandscaped Research

The Sandscaped Method

A production technique, inspired by tap water

Tap water in the Netherlands is of extremely high quality, this is due to the natural Filtration process that is apllied to clean the water, resulting in a very low amount of chemicals (like chlorine) being used. The beauty of this Filtration process, which makes use of the natural Filter qualitiesof Dutch dune-sand, is easily forgotten.

Sandscaped is a research into highlighting this property of Dutch dune sand. By placing a white, bisque fired ceramic object partially in the sand and then pouring pigmented water over top, the sand, acting as a filter, will let through the water but not the pigment. This leaves the pigment behind on the top half of the object, and the top layer of the sand, the part of the object that was covered by the sand stays white.

All that is left now is to glaze and fire the object, leaving the pigment and a few specs of sand captured underneath the glaze.

Flipping the object upsied down reveals a ‘sandscape’ with as its contours the line where the sand had once been. Almost like a miniature of the dunes that so efficiently filter our tap water.

Nominated for the Cor Unum Design Award 2018/2019


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